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I found this incredibly cute...idk... |
Today, one of my pretty close friends got super pissed off at me. I didn't even know why; I just knew something was wrong because she wouldn't talk to me or look at me when I talked to her. Later, I found out it was because my OTHER friend didn't invite her to his birthday party at Pennsylvania but invited me. Um, what?
Okay, I'm sorry, but it isn't MY birthday party. Why in the hell's name are you getting mad at ME? Because I was invited? Dude, I've been that guy's best friend for 4 years, you have no idea about all the shit and pain we've been through. You and him barely even TALK. The lame excuse she had was, "I made him a cake for his birthday, he should have invited me." Well, okay, I bought him 40 dollar white converses and personally designed them with inside jokes and quotes and pictures. You don't even KNOW the extent to our friendship, don't go fucking judging our relationship like you know us.
The part that pisses me off the most, though, is the fact that she's mad at me. Why me? What did I do? Now I think everything over, she's AlWAYS been a bitch to me. I bought her a game she really wanted and a huge card with everyone's signature inside it for her birthday last year. What did she do for my birthday? NOTHING. She made a friend she wasn't even close to a fucking cake but didn't give me shit. The most she gave me was a "happy birthday!" on facebook. Oh, fucking thanks. I don't even want a fucking cake, just the thought that you care so little about me pisses me off. I still can't believe she's getting mad at ME for not being invited to SOMEONE ELSE'S party.
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot we're all seniors and not little 10 year olds.
"Omigawd he didn't invite me to his birthday party, I'm going to go cry and shit talk about my friend WHO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE INVITATIONS.")
- I had the best time ever. We went mad old school with our songs (we were playing songs like My Band and Alcoholic lmfao) and we just had the best time ever. We played beer pong (high schoolers against college students! The high schoolers won by the way c; ) and Kings. The rules of Kings was that every time someone picks up a red card, they have to strip off a piece of their clothing. Needless to say...I saw too much of people that I didn't necessarily want to see. The rules that got set this time was that after every sentence, we had to say "Justin Bieber meow." Lmfao, it was terrible. "Drink up, Justin Bieber meow." "Change the fucking song!...Justin Bieber meow." It sucked especially for me because I was the third link as a drink partner. -___-' I went to sleep at like 4 and woke up at like 6 in the morning, I functioned with 2 hours of sleep everyday. It was terrible but freaking amazing all at the same time, I really let loose.
<-- That was the house we were at, it was super cozy and I loved it inside. The only problem were SPIDERS! I am terrified, like absolutely absolutely terrified of bugs- in any shape, way, or form. So when I saw a spider crawling its merry way across the bathroom floor, I almost cried. I'm not even exaggerating, I have a terrible phobia of bugs. Despite all the shit going on in my life right now, once I was in PA, idk, it might have been the amazing nature atmosphere or the crazy fun games we played (one including putting shaving creme on top of a hat and tossing cereal on it and seeing who was able to have the most cereal stuck on and playing twister) but I was able to forget everything. I was so easily able to detach myself from my problems, and it really helped out a lot. So thank you S, for inviting me to your house in PA<3.
We left PA and headed back to NY at around 8 (I got home at like 1 in the morning lmfao) and it was so scary! The woods can get really creepy in the nighttime and the setting really looked like a horror movie setting. There was this one part where we had to cross a bridge and we looked out to the sides, and it's just completely pitch black. Like, no light at all, just pure raw darkness. It was really scary, like there was nothing- no substance- around the bridge at all; as if the bridge was floating in midair. It was scary but exhilarating all at the same time. I didn't even care that I didn't have my computer or internet access during the whole trip, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I come back to school from PA, though, and it's all shit again. Ugh, my friends are having problems and I really wish I didn't have to be part of them, but they tell me everything and make me part of it. -.- I'm so sick of drama, can't I just have fun for my senior year? Drama-free? Please? I might as well ask for a pink unicorn. >_>
Ugh...it's 9 and I have to go bake a cake...don't ask...