Monday, March 14, 2011

Movies & Projects

I've watched Beastly and Just Go With It haha. It's funny because Beastly's trailer was so much better than the movie itself, and Just Go WIth It was so much better than the trailer lmfao. I mean, I'm not saying Beastly was bad, it was actually really cute, it just...had some parts that did not sense, or seemed way too fake haha. Alex Pettyfer was so adorable though! It sucked because his actual face came out for like ten minutes, and then he became the beast :p. Just Go With It was really funny and cute, and it was light so I really liked it. I keep old ticket stubs...and I don't know why. I feel like they're the best pieces of memories you can physically have...for some odd reason. o_o

My friend also recommended Me Without You to me, and I watched it and I actually really liked it. The last speech that Holly had (played by Michelle Williams) really got to me emotionally, and reminded me of my current situation with my best friend. Every time I hang out with my best friend, I feel like that- shitty, ugly, self-conscious. I don't know why, and she's been my friend for so long, but it's just...that's the way she makes me feel. And it really kills me inside. "U" was actually the one that recommended me to this film (especially since she and I were the trio with the other one- let's call her "S" that makes me feel bad) and she feels the same way about "S." :/

I didn't go to school today because of my stupid English essay. >_> Now, before you think I'm a procrastinator, I'm actually really not. I spent my whole Saturday AND Sunday doing our English group project, which was to make a labyrinth using religion themes and put passages from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man that correlate with religion. The worst part? We couldn't even finish in time. And it was all due tomorrow (well, the project is due Tuesday) so I just took this day off lol. It sucks really bad though, because I really wanted to go to watch the Battle of the Brains that takes place today. :(

Our group all went to my friend Elio's house and we worked on the project for 5 hours (while watching that 70's show lol). It was fun, and his mom was so nice. xD I love hispanic families, they're always so nice & comfortable to blend in. :)

I bought the popsicle sticks and the glitter! Elio had a glue gun and we cut the popsicle sticks and pasted them on the board firmly. My fingers actually got hurt from cutting the popsicle sticks, but I really liked the results, so who cares? Lol.

Our final isn't this, but it's close to. We just need to add the popsicle sticks with the passages of the book in them, and add a Stephen figurine in the beginning of the maze (we'll probably end up just using lego blocks because the Ken doll we were going to use...was just lmfao). I wrote the notes on the right corner!!! Haha, and I also had the idea of burning them to make it look more authentic! I had to write it over like 3 times though because when I went to burn it, it kept burning completely. -.- In the end, Elio had to do it lol, and he did perfectly in one try...that boy. >_>

On a side note, I want these Ugg boots...really bad. I think they should stop sending me catalogues because it's really getting to me. It makes no sense for me to get them, seeing how winter is almost over...but ahh! I really want them, like really, really badly. Especially the creme colored one, that one just looks absolutely fabulous. xO

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tickets, Pianos, & New Beginnings.

Ugh! It's been so long since I last wrote something. SO much happened. Where to start, where to start...

Well, firstly, I got my Glee concert tickets! It's front row, and although I got ripped off and had to pay $200 per ticket for them (-.-) and lost my prom dress expenses during the process, it's going to so be worth it!!! Ahhh! Chord Overstreet close up! Corey Monteith close up!!! I'm really, really hyped up for it. xD

But besides that, these past few weeks have actually been pretty hellish for me. During our senior trip, where we went to this resort, people got caught drinking. Of course the people who got caught just HAD to be my roommates and they automatically assumed I was drinking with them. It all got so hectic.

But the worst part about these past few weeks were just all these feelings that I've found out about. For instance, I found out the guy I liked for a long time likes one of my best friends. It wouldn't be half as painful if he didn't come to me about it, asking me what to do about his feelings. I told him it wasn't my business, and I didn't want to get involved in it, but he told me he wanted me to get involved and that he wanted my opinion because I'm his best friend. It just hurts. It just hurts everywhere for me to talk to him when he has that look in his eyes talking about another girl. I try so hard to forget about him, but he's just always there and it crushes me inside. The worst part is that I like him but when I think about it logically, I should hate him so much. He screwed me over again, and again, and again, but I keep coming back for more. I don't understand it; I shouldn't deserve to get this kind of treatment- I know better...yet, every time I see him, my heart thumps an extra beat and it's just all too confusing for me.

My extremely close/best friend, we'll name her "U" (that's what her name starts with), gave me all these advice and I ultimately decided I will just start over again. A new beginning. Away from all this shit. Like she told me, I'm just going to detach myself from everything.

I know everyone at least experienced this same situation once (if you have not, you are lucky as hell) but I experienced this with the same freaking guy over and over again, at least three times. That's why it's getting to me so bad- I know I should forget about him, but I can't. I just can't. I've known him for so long, we're so close, and I just can't help my emotions. I really wish I could hurry up and graduate so that I can get over him more easily. I found that when I'm not near him for long periods of time, I think less about his existence. It gives me peace away from him and time to think about his bad qualities, which makes him that much more easy to dissolve away from my heart. Idk...I should stop rambling. :/

I feel like I should end this post on a cheerier note, so I'll post a picture of this piano. It's always been in our house for decoration purposes more than anything, but I've been practicing on it more and more lately (I used to take lessons when I was like 8 and stopped when I was 13). Soul would be proud.