Thursday, February 24, 2011

Apple Store & Flying Prom Dresses?

I want to go flying!!!
My friend Dylan got into one of the most prestigious Naval academies in America. He wants to be a pilot for the army, and he even has a flying degree already. He promised me he'll take me flying one day, I can't wait. x) I like Dylan a lot as a friend, but sometimes he gets a little clingy. And racist. But I mean, nobody's perfect, right Miley?

I guess in terms of governmental connections, I'm pretty set.

Lmfao, one of my closest friends Tayler, and I were talking about prom dresses yesterday and I was telling her because I'm flat chested, I can't wear any of the really nice ones.

Needless to say, the conversation ended up hilarious...and on facebook. Hahaha. My most two wanted dresses were the following:
(the white version)

I'm a short person so I can't wear long dresses (sadly). Tayler's short too, so our dresses keep colliding lol. She wants the white one too, but I really like that one!!! So idk, idk. I'm thinking a scene like Bride Wars might ensue. We decided to go shopping this Sat to check out the dresses around Manhattan first before we buy it online. I volunteer at the hospital every Saturday, so I feel really bad about missing it but I really want to go. :x

My sister was going to buy me my prom dress for my graduation present but I asked her to buy me front row Glee concert tickets instead...:/ So now I'm screwed in terms of the price. I mean, my parents will probably buy it for me if I asked them to but I don't want to spend their money in such an unnecessary way. I guess I'll go looking for a job. >_>

Yep, I took these pics myself...
...which is why they look so crappy lol.
Oh, and on Tuesday I did go to the Apple store! Right afterwards, I was supposed to go to my friend Elio's house and have a rice krispies making contest with him. However, the plans didn't fall through because everyone cancelled at the last minute. So after fixing my charger (I honestly don't know why it broke. The charger cost $61! I had no idea it was that expensive) I just roamed around NYC. As Carrie Bradshaw would have put it, I was on a date with the city. x) I actually had a lot of fun, although, people probably thought I was a tourist seeing how I was taking pictures everywhere.

The Apple store is gorgeous. It's a whole glass building, and you go down the elevator and it's this huge, wide space filled with apple products. It's my first time going to the one on Fifth Ave., and now it's my favorite one.

Speaking of the Apple store, it's a funny story about how I got there. I decided that for once in my life, I won't take a cab and actually take the SUBWAY to the Apple store. I google mapped the place, and saw the trains I had to take. Well, they didn't clarify if I had to take the train uptown or downtown, so I ended up taking the wrong side. I got terribly lost and ended up just taking the cab AND being late for my appointment. So much for taking the subway. I think I'll just stick to taking cabs from now on. Also, I'm never trusting google maps. Ever again. -.-

Can you spot the tourist? Hehe. The places around the apple store were a lot of fun. 

*Sigh* I'm already getting lazy about updating this blog, but I really should force myself to do it. More than anything, I'm doing this for myself. I remember I used to write one page in my diaries and NEVER continue them after a week of writing in them (I had 15 empty diaries with one entry in them). I do want to remember my past events and stuff when I'm 30 or something, so I should keep it! Especially online because 1) It won't get lost 2) My hands don't kill me after writing a lot.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Beastly & Snow

Seriously, New York City is bipolar. Just three days ago, the weather hit 65 F, and people were walking down the street wearing shorts! Now? There's snow everywhere and the weather dropped to a low 29 F. In the span of three days it dropped that much! The weather here is insane. I'm not planning on going outside today, so I think I'll try to make some cupcakes(The horror! Did I not learn my lesson from the terrible flan I made yesterday?). I have frosting so I'll just lather a thick layer on top of my cupcakes if the cupcakes turn out terrible, and no one will know. ;)

This is how the snow looks around New York. Actually, this was taken a long time ago- like a month ago? I'm just putting it up now to show how the snow looks like here. The sunset was really gorgeous that day, it was something I couldn't capture on my camera (especially since I was using my phone's camera to take this pic). You really had to be there to experience the true beauty of it; it was majestic. The usually vibrant street was really empty because it was 7 in the morning when I took that picture haha. In the background you can see the trademark yellow school buses and a taxi cab near the Mobil gas station.

Strange guy coming towards me! I was just idly taking pictures, I didn't even notice him lol. I don't think he minded too much though. Contrary to popular belief, New Yorkers are not rude nor mean lol. I guess we're just busy people, and sometimes we don't have time to stop and help the hundreds of tourists that come here every day (no sarcasm here). 

Besides NewYork's bipolar-ness, I found a new movie I want to see really badly! 

It's a new adaptation of Beauty and the Beast!  It looks very fun. Vanessa Hudgens looks much better than I last saw her (High School Musical 3 lol) and Alex Pettyfer looks as good as always (before he became a "beast" I mean). 

Watch the trailer here: 

It's been getting good reviews, and I'll probably watch it as soon as it hits the theaters. 

Well, time to make some warm cupcakes! My battery's running out. -_-' I have an appointment with Apple tomorrow to replace my charger. For some reason my charger refuses to charge my laptop, and I have...34% power left. This is so inconvenient! Especially since it's snowing out and it's going to be hell getting on the train tomorrow to get there. Sigh. Maybe I'll take pictures of the Apple store on 5th Ave and post it.  

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fail Flan

It's a Sunday, I got bored and I did not feel like writing at all, so I made the terrible mistake of making a flan. Now I absolutely adore flan; it's one of my favorite desserts. I looked up the recipe online and I had all the ingredients, so I thought why not make a flan? *sigh* I should've known with my cooking skills nothing ever goes right.

Well, these were the ingredients:

First, I had to melt a cup of sugar. Well, I melted it perfectly...with a plastic spoon. I started to mix the sugar with a plastic spoon, thinking oh, I could just throw this plastic spoon out rather than using a metal spoon and having to wash it. It never occurred to me that the freaking plastic spoon would MELT. -_-' The plastic melted in with the sugar, and the sugar that was melted perfectly had bits of plastic in it...I panicked, and without thinking, I poured all the hot melted sugar in a freaking PLASTIC GARBAGE BAG. How dumber could I get?! The plastic bag obviously melted, and it got all over the floor...I spent 15 minutes scraping the hardened melted sugar off the kitchen floor. I started melting the sugar all over again, with a METAL spoon this time and it actually turned out well....

...But that was the only thing that went well. Idk why, I followed all the instructions! I mixed it perfectly too! But...but this was my final product:

When I tell people I'm a terrible cook, they go "Oh no. Don't say that, I'm sure you're not," or "Don't lower your self esteem, and stop trying to make people pity you, I'm sure you're a good cook."

Yeah, yeah. Does THIS look like a good cook to you?!  Next time they say that, I'm going to shove this down their throats and they'll die of food poisoning. T_T

D: And I said this before, but I followed ALL the instructions perfectly! I don't know what's wrong with me. I must've been born without the cooking gene...sigh. Oh well. I'll live...maybe marry a chef or something.

On a brighter note, I finally got some exercising done today. This damn treadmill at my's my savior but also my killer. We have a love/hate relationship lmfao.

Senior T-Shirt Day

Friday was Senior T-Shirt day at our school! I obviously covered all the people’s faces and our school’s logo on the back of the T-shirts, do you like the new faces? :P Anyways, it was so much fun on Friday! All the seniors didn’t even pay attention in class and we just signed our asses off (literally). It was a LOT LOT LOT of fun. I had a great day.

Haha, one of my best friends wrote this on my shirt :x. He wrote five facts about me, and for those who read my stories, you know the significance of those rice krispies hahahaha. Like I said, I'm a pretty terrible cook(yes, even when making simple things such as rice krispies!). Shhhhh....

After all the fun, I had my Columbia interview and the guy who was interviewing me was AWESOME. He was really funny and sweet; we were laughing throughout the whole interview. It didn’t even feel like an interview, it felt like I was chatting with my longtime, good old friend. I wish everyday was like Friday. I haven't been this happy in a long time. :)